Cayce Drops New Premium Head Covers for 2023

Cayce Drops New Premium Head Covers for 2023

Cayce Golf is getting into the Premium Golf Head Cover game. Four years into their existence, Cayce is expanding their product offering with new premium materials, printing and embroidery techniques.
Cayce Golf is getting into the Premium Golf Head Cover game. Four years into their existence, Cayce is expanding their product offering with new premium materials, printing and embroidery techniques. The first headcover to drop is their "BOMBS." driver head cover featuring a strong 900D exterior with 3D Puff Embroidery. The head cover also features their super plush and protective inner fur liner along with their inner elastic grip liner to make taking on and off a breeze while helping the cover stay on and never fall off unintentionally. For the finishing touch? A new premium rubber product label on the outside.

3D Puff Embroidery on a Golf Head Cover

Beautiful raised 3D Puff Embroidery make this BOMBS. Driver Head Cover a statement piece. Breaking from the normal style, there is no printed designs on the BOMBS. headcover.

Limited Edition Golf Head Cover

Another first for Cayce is their Limited Edition Blackout "BOMBS." driver cover. The release date has not been set, but only 6 were made and they will retail for $149.99 USD. This is Cayce Golf's first ever limited release.